Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Basket Ball

I am always amazed by Isabelle's imagination. Sure she has imaginary friends, but so did I and so did my mom, so it's in the genes. She also loves to pretend all sorts of fun games, and she is constantly telling us "jokes." They are obviously hilarious because she can hardly get through them, she is laughing so hard. We understand very little of them but we laugh, mostly because it's just so cute.

She decided that she wanted to empty the basket that holds the baby toys so that she could play "basket-ball." I don't think we talk about that sport that much, no hoop or ball outside, but she decided to play her own game. However, by the time I had gone to get the camera, she had moved on to a new game: sitting in the basket with Parker. He didn't seem to mind and it kept him busy for about 5 minutes. Did I mention that he is a busy baby?!?! Into everything, and he is fast. I have a feeling we are gonna have some "fun" when he starts running/walking.

It's a poor action shot, but I was trying to catch Parker doing his new favorite thing...waving!
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